Monday 5 December 2016

Reasons to Study Abroad

By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land.

Image result for studying abroad

Earning your degree abroad provides numerous personal and professional benefits. The international experience you gain will make you more attractive to companies eager to hire graduates who are flexible, multilingual, and comfortable in multicultural settings.

According to The University Of Texas AustinHere are ways studying abroad can benefit you:

1Studying abroad is the most effective way to learn a language.
By immersing yourself in a different culture, you will continually hear and practice speaking the language you are trying to learn in its natural context.

2You will get to know another culture first-hand.
Personally experiencing another country will allow you to expand your understanding of its culture beyond the surface-level differences in food, language, and appearances.

3.  Develop skills and gain experiences a classroom setting will never provide.
Being in a new cultural setting gives you an opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities, conquer new challenges, and solve new problems.

4.  Make friends and contacts around the world.
You will get to meet and mingle with the locals as well as other international students.

5.  Learn about yourself.
Return home with new ideas and perspectives about yourself and your culture. The encounter with other cultures enables you to see your own culture through new eyes.

6.  Expand your view of the world.
Studying abroad provides you with an informed and much less biased perspective toward other cultures and peoples.

7 Advance your career. 
You will stand out from other job candidates with the skills that can only be gained through international experience, such as strong cross-cultural communications and familiarity with international standards, laws, and regulations. Additionally, if you study in a country with an emerging economy, you will be able to respond quickly to an evolving market or industry.

It is never too late to start drawing out your own plans. 

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