A photo of an elderly man feeding his wife at Wendy’s on their date night is tugging at the heart strings of thousands after being shared on the popular Facebook page Love What Matters. The user who uploaded the photo on Feb. 24, said she briefly spoke to the unidentified man, who told her that his wife was suffering from Alzheimer’s, and that they were on the brink of reaching 75 years of marriage.

“As I was sitting eating my double cheeseburger at Wendy’s, I glanced over at this older couple, and thought ‘That’s sweet’ And continued with my meal,” the user posted alongside the photo. “But when I looked again, in between bites, I saw this gentleman feeding his wife. My whole life I’ve yearned for a love that strong.”
The user posted that when the man got up to throw away his food, she asked him how long they had been together.
“He looked at me and asked me to guess his age but not to guess too low,” she wrote. “After a few guesses he told me he was 96 and his wife is 93 who is suffering from Alzheimer’s. This is their date night. He also told me that if they make it till June, they will be celebrating 75 years of marriage!” 
Since being posted, the picture has gotten more than 139,000 likes and nearly 5,000 comments from users touched by the man’s love for his wife.
“Getting all the way to the end of the line with the person you started out with is one of the most glorious things on the face of this earth,” the poster wrote. “Could a couple be more blessed than to have that happen? To share a love and bond that only grows as we age, that is a beautiful thing.